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Hi, i am new to stm32 and i got the project to rotate stepper motor using stepper driver .

Associate III

i am using stm32f103 controller with opto -circuit to rotate my motor . But my motor is rotating only in forward direction even if i make my direction pin SET or RESET . BUT i need to make my motor to rotate in both forward and reverse direction. Can anyone please help me how to do . Should i need to include any extra code in my program .

Thank you


Stepper motors typically have a STEP and DIR signal. Toggle the DIR signal to change the direction of rotation.

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Associate III
I have done the same thing in my code. But also the motor is not rotating anticlockwise.
Is it possible to drive the stepper driver using stm32f103 controller( having 3.3 v). Can anyone help me with this?
Thank you
Associate III
  • I have done the same thing in my code. But also the motor is not rotating anticlockwise.
  • Is it possible to drive the stepper driver(TB6600HG) using stm32f103 controller( having 3.3 v). Can anyone help me with this?
  • Thank you

Associate III
  • I have done the same thing in my code. But also the motor is not rotating anticlockwise.
  • Is it possible to drive the stepper driver(TB6600HG) using stm32f103 controller( having 3.3 v). Can anyone help me with this?
  • Thank you

Associate III
  • I have done the same thing in my code. But also the motor is not rotating anticlockwise.
  • Is it possible to drive the stepper driver(TB6600HG) using stm32f103 controller( having 3.3 v). Can anyone help me with this?
  • Thank you


The CW/CCW pin controls direction. Toggle it to change direction.


Configure it as a GPIO output pin, and toggle the output to change direction, as suggested in the first post.

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Associate III

Thank you

Associate III

Now i need to drive my motor using modbus. Is it possible to drive my motor using modbus. But i am not getting how to start can anyone help me with it. How i should write my frame to drive my motor.

Thank you