2020-11-13 1:13 AM
Hello guys.
I dont want to complain, but I think its not normal trying to spend 1 week to compile Demo projects for my STM32L4R9I-DISCO board. I have the github repo below, I've added StemWin libs which are not included due to license problems, but I still have a lot of issues with compiling those demo projects. Most of them, does not have any STM32IDE projects included, but only for SEGGER Embedded studio for ARM. OK, fine. I've downloaded an eval version of that IDE, I've chosen the right MCU, ARCH, Compiler and etc... but I still got some "too many arguments" for some of the macros defined in the code. Not sure why is that happening? I've tried with gcc, clang and segger compilers, but still the same. What I try to compile is the Demo project called MenuLuncher. The one which should be coming with the board itself, when purchased.
I was wondering if those STM32 demos+libraries are a complete mess, or is it me not looking at the right place?