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Hi Guys, I'm using an STM32F401 board, accompanied an expansion board, and by a VL53L1X (people counter) sensor. It works for 10minutes then the board crashes and the only way to get it working again is by resetting the board.


Hi Guys,

What I'm using

STM32F401 board accompanied by a expansion board (X-Nucleo-53L1A1) and using one VL53L1X (people counter) sensor.


I managed to flash the board and use the counter with success. 

To view the board USART messages I use the mini USB port on the nucleo board.

To see the serial message, I have a raspberry pi and through port ttyACM0 I can view the message from the board at a 460800 baud rate.

The message looks like this: 0,0,0,0 - with the fields being zone, range status, distance, people counter.


Here is my python code:

import serial
import time
while 1:
    readedText = ser.readline()
    print (str(readedText))


I've been testing for around 2 weeks now, everything worked great, I even left the program running for 4 days straight and it counted people coming in and out of the room without and issue.

Yesterday, after shutting off the board, I found that the board would only send messages for around 15 minutes, and after, it would simply not send any messages at all. The USART would be open, but no messages would come through.

My question is, why does the board stop sending messages after a 15min-30min. And only works again after resetting the board if it worked fine a while ago.

More Info

  • The board has not been re flashed at all, it still has the default program from the webpage.
  • Even when not connected to the PI and connected to a laptop via TeraTerm it gives the same results.
  • I've checked the pins with a Oscilloscope and couldn't find find any TX pins linked to the USB mini (did this in case there was an issue on the PI side)

Please help...