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Hey there in stm32f103zet6 micro controller I enable ADC with DMA and read a periodic signal value but it has movement in signal (data is shifting when I read from DMA buffer ) my DMA setting is in circular mode. what is the problem?

Associate II

ADC channel is one


Please explain, what "movement" and "data shifting" are; and why you "read from DMA" while DMA just moves data from a peripheral to the memory. The second question is, how many channels of ADC you read?

thank from your response @ColdWeather​ 

for example if digital data is 11110000 in a 8 byte frame when I read it by USB

it change to 01111000 then 00111100 then 00011110 then 00001111 then 10000111 ,....

it makes my signal wave movement in PC

about read from DMA : I send data from DMA buffer by USB

ADC channels is :only one channel