2014-01-23 6:47 AM
I am using the STM32L100. How I can combine the hex file for my bootloader with the hex file for my application into one hex file for production?
#spi-program2014-01-23 6:54 AM
I am using the STM32L100. How I can combine the hex file for my bootloader with the hex file for my application into one hex file for production?
Use NOTEPAD and merge them, lose the last line of the first file.2014-01-23 7:06 AM
OK! I was hoping for something more automated but if that is the simplest way then why not. Thanks.
2014-01-23 7:17 AM
If they are Intel Hex (or Motorola SRecords) then you can simply use command line :type file1.txt file2.txt > out.txt
to concatenate the 2 files together. You can even turn it into a batch file.
2014-01-23 7:20 AM
http://srecord.sourceforge.net/ -> srec_cat
JW2014-01-23 8:56 AM
I don't think you want to concatenate them, you need to lose the terminal record, unless the device programmers code is too stupid to see it, or simple ignores it.
Any way the format is pretty simple, I'd expect a college grad to be able to code some automation either explicitly, or using a script in AWK or PERL or something.2014-01-23 8:59 AM
Yeah, only spotted what I had posted after I hit send.
Point taken.2014-01-24 1:56 AM
Hate this forum, has eaten my post three times now.......
Not hard to automate as other have said but if you want another option you could program a processor as you need it to be (bootloader and app) and upload a complete image (in hex or binary) from it using something like the ST Flash Loader. Then use that image for production. Programming time is not increased as empty pages are not sent if a global erase was performed first.2014-01-24 2:28 AM
2014-01-24 4:07 AM
Very helpful, thanks everyone.