2022-07-22 6:44 AM
We are using NUCLEO-L053R8 board for testing. We are measuring the current through JP6 (IDD)
2022-07-22 7:23 AM
Try it without debugger.running/connected.
2022-07-22 9:38 AM
Standard codes??? You can do more mistakes, enable debug in low power mode is primary.
Leave some interrupt wake from sleep periodic usw.
2022-07-22 10:01 AM
You might need to move beyond the standard codes / examples, and better understand the mechanics and the documentation. For low power operation you're going to need to own the operation and functionality, you can't defer that responsibility and be successful at it.
Frequently current draw comes from the things you have attached.
Secondarily from the processor not sleeping or doing what you wanted.
2022-07-25 12:37 AM
Hello everyone,
Thanks for quick response....
Actually I want to make a coin cell operated device using "STM32L053R8" to update the temperature and other things status in every 30 seconds using RF.
So, which low power mode is better for longer battery life and how can implement?
Please help me.....