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hello, I have a question, which library do you use actively in keil, generally low level?

Associate III

Predominantly SPL and HAL, the former because I'm not wasting energy porting working code to a less robust library.

High efficiency/tight stuff is coded in assembler, or register level.

The cross platform capabilities of the HAL are used for new code. Proof of concept may be done on high-end MCU to determine space and speed, and then back-ported to hardware which is the smallest/cheapest. Nimble development is prioritized over getting lost in the minutia.

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Associate III

Is the library used when coding in assembly? I know it is not used, but I said I would still ask. And in addition, are you currently using the stdperıph libraries? If you use it, which one? I use the KEİL platform. Thank you very much.

I've got legacy code for F1, F2 and F4 primarily, and some F0, F3 and L1 boards where SPL has been used.

The L0, L4, F7 and H7 primarily HAL, with some F2 and F4 contemporary work.

Assembler uses some its own libraries, or calls into the existing C functions. Usually using for math or algorithms, not to speed spin-loops polling peripherals. I use it a lot for the flashing (IAP/FOTA) code where it's used to keep the size small, and has no external dependencies.

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