2021-02-09 9:09 PM
If the ADC is used alone without using DMA, the data conversion will be performed in the cycle described in the data sheet.
However, the conversion time is doubled when using DMA.
Do you know why?
Common conditions
・Clock : 16MHz
・Clock Prescaler : Asynchronous clock mode divided by 1
・Resolution : 12bit
・Continuous Conversion Mode : Enabled
・Overrun behaviour : overwritten
・Oversampling Mode Enabled
・Sampling ratio : 64
・Triggered Mode : Single trigger
・Sampling time : 1.5
・External Trigger Conversion Source : Regular conversion
Different conditions
・DMA Continuous Requests : Enabled / Disabled
2021-02-10 11:40 PM
Is DMA and oversampling incompatible?