2020-09-21 3:59 AM
I bought a STM32F407VET6 Microcontroller board, but I am new to Microcontroller world and I never used other Microcontrollers board before. >>> Now, I am studying Electronics Engineering. I like to start with STM32 board but I don't know where to begin. So, I went to search about STM32 in online, where I found a STM32 Education and I downloaded a step by step pdf file but unfortunately it uses NUCLEO-L476RG board. from the Pre-requisites pdf I downloaded the STM32CubeMX and TrueSTUDIO. >>> More Importantly I need to do my college projects based on embedded systems but I don't know where to start and what to do?
I will really appreciate if you help me? (sorry for my English, English is not my first language)
Thank you for taking the time to explain this.
2020-09-21 5:04 AM
Welcome to STM32 Community!
I recommend you to have a look to the STM32 Wiki ("Getting started" section, Training zone...)
Please see these links:
Please refer to User Manual, Reference Manual and Data Sheet
You can find also many examples under the STM32Cube directory:
2020-09-21 5:34 AM
You can also have a look at the very usefull tutorial video on Youtube:
Even if you do not have the same demoboard, you will just have to use the correct pin. But the main principe will be the same.
2020-09-21 5:48 AM
however, the scope of application on ARM microcontrollers is very very wide.
You're asking for help on the forum where to start, well the few links above can certainly help.
Each new experience that consists of learning a new things is long, requires personal effort and depends greatly on the skills you already have.
"More Importantly I need to do my college projects based on embedded systems but I don't know where to start and what to do?"
It will already be wise, in your first question, to say precisely what you plan to achieve with an STM32F4. From what you already know how to do from a programming and electronic hardware point of view.
Good luck,
To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2020-09-21 6:29 AM
Thank you, friend I will definitely make use of it. if I have problem, I will ask you later
2020-09-21 6:38 AM
Does this college not have teachers?
2020-09-21 6:39 AM
Thank you, Friend I will make use of it.
2020-09-21 6:41 AM
Thanks for your help
2020-09-21 6:43 AM
Nope, they even don't know about stm32. they only know about Arduino and 8051 microcontroller
2020-09-21 6:49 AM
Thanks for your help