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Has anyone test STM32F4xxdemos (STM32 embedded target for MATLAB and Simulink)?

Associate III
Posted on July 20, 2013 at 22:23


I have a problem in running any of the demo code in STM32 embedded target for MATLAB and Simulink (C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\STM32F4xx-MAT\STM32F4xx\STM32F4xxdemos) but I do not know if this is the right forum to seek help (Matlab or ST forum).

When I tried running the demo code in Matlab I get the following error in Matlab Commad Window

''♯♯♯ Real-Time Workshop build procedure for method: 'entry

♯♯♯ Starting build procedure for model: ButtonAndLeds

♯♯♯ Starting Real-Time Workshop build procedure for model: ButtonAndLeds

Warning: ♯♯♯ IAR toolchain not automatically found.

Warning: ♯♯♯ IAR toolchain not automatically found.''

and this error

''The call to stm32F4xx_make_rtw_hook, during the entry hook generated the following error:

Please change to the correct build directory. (CodeGeneration)

The build process will terminate as a result.

Caused by:

Please change to the correct build directory. (CodeGeneration)'' in Simulink Window.''.

I have Matlab 2012b 64bit and Keil MDK installed in my Window 8 64bit Laptop Computer. I did the following in  Matlab Simulink configuration Parameter,

STM32 ToolChain : Keil

ToolPath Installation Directory: C:\Keil\ARM

 and finally I did the following as recommended in STM32-MAT/TARGET.

Demonstration settings (if installed path is not C:\Matlab\STM32F4xx)

The provided STM32F4xxdemos have been saved with C:\Matlab\STM32F4xx installed path.

If installed path is changed, ''Configuration Parameters'' must be done for the model:

    �Configuration Parameters''>''Code Generation''>''System target file''

    Click Browse button and select ert.tlc.

    Click Ok and Apply buttons.

    When System target file is ert.tcl click browse button again and select stm32F4xx.tlc file.

    Click Ok and Apply buttons.

    ''Configuration Parameters''>''Code Generation''>''STM32F4xx Options''

    Set toolchain parameters. Installed path has been updated

I am getting '' Select IAR directory tool path Prompt '' when I click Build Model in Matlab. I do not know while IAR popup even though I select Keil.I will be glad if someone can point me to the right direction in running the code the code successfully.


#stm32f4 #stm32-mat/target-matlab-stm32f4 #stm32-mat/target-matlab
Associate II
Posted on October 03, 2013 at 20:31

Examples are working fine now. Thanks again  for your help. One more thing, though I haven't tried it out, just tell me, if I use the code generated from simulink with my own code in Keil, then will it work? It should I guess.

Posted on October 23, 2013 at 17:03


sorry for the late answer.

Yes, it works but you must add yourself generated .h .c to your project ... without generated main.c file.

For your info, V3.0.0 is now available with bug fix and motor control demo.

Best regards


Associate II
Posted on October 29, 2013 at 16:16

Yes, I did assemble my own code with matlab generated C code and it worked fine. I have seen V3.0.0. Just expected it would contain the DAC module, the only major module I feel missing in this extremely useful tool.


Associate II
Posted on July 03, 2014 at 16:14

Hi can you send version 2.0 of this tool for me, i use matlab 2012 . my email is thanks