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HAL_Delay() stopped working

Senior II

I have read most of the replies to posts that had the same problem that I am having with HAL_Delay() not working.  None of the solutions that I tried worked. 

It is apparent that the interrupt handler is never getting executed so any attempt to use HAL_Delay() just locks up the firmware.  In an earlier version of this firmware, I did not have any problems, but now I have not been able to restore operation.

Help!  (thanks in advance)


Accepted Solutions

Going to be hard to debug without seeing code, so we can only provide generic advice.

  • Ensure it's not being called in an interrupt context, from an interrupt with equal or higher priority.
  • Ensure interrupts are enabled in general (i.e. no __disable_irq())
  • Ensure SysTick interrupt is enabled. Typically done in HAL_RCC_ClockConfig from SystemClock_Config.
  • Ensure SysTick_Handler is defined and calls HAL_IncTick.
  • Ensure vector table is correctly defined and has the appropriate entry for SysTick_Handler.
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ST Employee

Hello @DavidNaviaux 

HAL_Delay function depends on SysTick interrupt, so if you don't assign proper priorities to that, you may have a problem with the HAL_Delay.

Best Regards.


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Per the advice in one of the responses to others with this problem, I have added this line of code immediately following the execution of the SystemClock_Config() function in main.c, but it did not solve the problem.  


HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(SysTick_IRQn, 0, 0);


I then forced the vector table location to Flash with the line of code below the at the end of the SystemInit() function in the system_stm32g4xx.c file, again no success:


SCB->VTOR = FLASH_BASE | 0x00000000U;


I have written my own timing functions and they work fine. Unfortunately, it seems like HAL_Delay() is required by

many of the HAL_ functions and my code won't work unless that function is working.



Going to be hard to debug without seeing code, so we can only provide generic advice.

  • Ensure it's not being called in an interrupt context, from an interrupt with equal or higher priority.
  • Ensure interrupts are enabled in general (i.e. no __disable_irq())
  • Ensure SysTick interrupt is enabled. Typically done in HAL_RCC_ClockConfig from SystemClock_Config.
  • Ensure SysTick_Handler is defined and calls HAL_IncTick.
  • Ensure vector table is correctly defined and has the appropriate entry for SysTick_Handler.
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Maybe a .ioc file would help diagnosis.


The problem continued to plague me.  Sometimes it worked fine until I made a small change in the code that should not have done anything.  However, I did find a couple of misused pointers that may have been the root cause.  I have not had the problem with the SysTick for several days and I have done quite a bit of development work.

Thanks, David

Senior III

I hit the same issue when upgrading from L4 HAL from 1.17.1 to 1.17.2.

Reverting stm32l4xx_hal_timebase_tim.c to the version from 1.17.1 fixed it for me.

Update: More in-depth debugging revealed that the root cause of the issues was that I was calling HAL_Delay() from a FreeRTOS thread, rather than calling osDelay(). This issue was hidden by previous releases.