2015-01-16 03:42 AM
I connect mpu6050 to i2c3 and make a project with stm32cube and enable i2c3.
but cant detect sensor. for(i=0 ; i<255 ; i++) { test = HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady(&hi2c3,i,10,100); if(test == HAL_OK) break; } return always HAL_BUSY my board is stm32f4discovery #i-can''t-help-you-with-that2015-01-16 07:56 AM
please answer me
2015-01-16 10:58 AM
please answer me
Do you think you've provided enough circuit or software details for anyone to replicate your experiment?2015-01-17 03:22 AM
my answer is why when i want to read or write from i2c bus , all HAL_I2c_... function return me HAL_BUSY.
I enable I2c 3 in stm32f4cube and make project in keil. I connect SDA and SCL pin to MPU6050 sensor. I test this hardware with another program an it work property. My problem in HAL_DRIVER2015-01-18 11:16 PM
2015-01-19 01:01 AM
Hi! Try to add some delay between your cycles.
2015-01-19 01:05 AM
It is from function ''HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady'' description:
This function is used with Memory devices.2015-01-19 01:19 AM
2015-01-19 10:01 PM
Please Help me Clive1.
2015-01-20 12:08 PM