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H7 QUADSPI weirdness

Seen this on two board designs, about two year different in age and many steppings of STM32H7

The H743I-EVAL and H745I-DISCO have 1Gb (128MB) of Micron QSPI flash, one as a dual die single chip, the other as two SOP16

Using the BSP code I can access the parts, both via the Read and Memory Mapped methods.

If it do a bytewise read of the entire array in memory mapped mode the first pass returns the wrong CRC32, and the second one hangs during the next read of a byte at 0x90000000. Stopping execution, it keeps falling in the Systick_Handler, and never reads any memory

If I do half the array, or 128MB - 32 bytes, I get the correct CRC, and can do it multiple times.

	status = BSP_QSPI_EnableMemoryMappedMode();
	if (status == QSPI_ERROR)
		puts("QSPI Error");
		puts("QSPI Ok");
	printf("%u\n", FlashSize);
	printf("CRC:%08X\n", CRC32(0xFFFFFFFF, FlashSize, (void *)0x90000000)); // Returns wrong sum
	printf("CRC:%08X\n", CRC32(0xFFFFFFFF, FlashSize, (void *)0x90000000)); // Hangs
	printf("CRC:%08X\n", CRC32(0xFFFFFFFF, FlashSize, (void *)0x90000000));
	printf("CRC:%08X\n", CRC32(0xFFFFFFFF, FlashSize, (void *)0x90000000));
	printf("CRC:%08X\n", CRC32(0xFFFFFFFF, FlashSize, (void *)0x90000000));
uint32_t CRC32(uint32_t Crc, uint32_t Size, uint8_t *Buffer)
    static const uint32_t CrcTable[] = {
      0xEDB88320,0xF00F9344,0xD6D6A3E8,0xCB61B38C,0x9B64C2B0,0x86D3D2D4,0xA00AE278,0xBDBDF21C };
    Crc = Crc ^ (uint32_t)*Buffer++;
    Crc = (Crc >> 4) ^ CrcTable[Crc & 0x0F];
    Crc = (Crc >> 4) ^ CrcTable[Crc & 0x0F];

It is as if the QUADSPI state machine malfunctions in getting the end bytes, or sends something breaking the Micron parts.

134217696 <-- 32 bytes less

CRC:E741A92C <-- Works





Infinite loop...

134217697 <--- 31 bytes less

CRC:1F3DC2C7 <- First completes correctly, but then locks

134217728 <-- Whole array

CRC:C3C26772 <- First completes incorrectly, and next pass locks


MT25QL 512 (DUAL BANK) / MT25TL01G

UID-0 : 44 00 2E EF 92 00 13 FA FF 26 00 DE A8 FE ED 6C

UID-1 : 44 00 2E EF 92 00 09 12 00 11 00 45 F5 FE 0A B6

 Size 134217728

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Back referencing this so I can find the threads again later

2 Years on, @Amel NASRI​ @Andreas Bolsch​ 

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