2020-08-14 6:07 AM
Dear fellow geek,
I am working on a project wich uses the STM32L010K4 microcontroller. We implemented the chip on a PCB and we can write pins high and low and we’re able to use SPI.
This project revolves around a GPS application. We’re trying to use the UART protocol with the stm32CubeMx IDE. We’re also trying to make some large/complex computations, I read online that this could potentially lead to stack overflow. I also read the datasheet and the uart is and spi are part of two different alternate functions. This is the message we get when trying to implement uart.
With kind regards,
Reinier Gosseling
2020-08-25 8:17 AM
Usually pretty gross software issues.
For CM0(+) watch also pointer alignment.
Generally touching the wrong memory addresses. Figure uninitialized structures or corrupted buffers.
Might double check external clock, pll and flash wait state settings, for more HW centric causes.