2009-03-22 09:22 PM
GPIO EXTI and AFIO clock
2011-05-17 04:07 AM
When I define a GPIO pin and bind it with EXTI this works only when I set the RCC_APB2Periph_AFIO clock on. The interrupt isn't triggered when only the RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOC clock is set. My GPIO pin is just defined as normal pin like: GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_1; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IPU; (--> so not alternative declared ) I did some searches in the datasheet (ref manual) but I couldn't find anything that says the AFIO clock must be set using EXTI regardless what pin type you use. Can anyone point me to my answer I'm looking for ? Thnx Guy2011-05-17 04:07 AM
Hi, if you look at page 125 of the Reference Manual (RM0008) you 'll see that the AFIO registers are needed to know on which port each EXTI need to be. So I guess it implies that you need to clock AFIO as you want it to work...
2011-05-17 04:07 AM
if you look at page 125 of the Reference Manual (RM0008) you 'll see that the AFIO registers In RM0008 on page 125 there are only two following registers described: EXTI_RTSR EXTI_FTSR They are for setting the edge to be triggered and in my opinion have nothing to do with AFIO. The only thing I found was on page 114.The AFIO_EXTICR1 registers that enables the gpio pin/port for EXTIx. So here you can deduce the fact that the AFIO clock needs to be set to enable the OR gate when needed. But it's a bit confusing because the AF are also applicable on the pin remaps. -G2011-05-17 04:07 AM
It seems that we dont have the same RM0008 because on my page 125 there is only ''Figure 16. External interrupt/event GPIO mapping'' where you can see that AFIO_EXTICRx registers are the one which link an EXTI with its source.