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Ghosting mark at back of the part STM32F407ZGT6

Associate II

Please advise whether see before the below picture regrading the ghosting mark on the back of the part ? It is due to MFG fabrication matter which cause this issue.


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Associate II


Notice the ghost marking are mainly COO Philippines . Can you confirm this are acceptable

hi All

appreciate to receive some kind of response. please advise is this due to MFG fabrication and is it acceptable

Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

Tell about how the device was handled before. Is in genuine out of the reel/tray? Or was is perhaps hand handled and stocked on another part. The ghosting looks like the some marking from another part.

Hi All
We bought the part factory sealed and found this double imaging (ghost making) seen on the back of the chip
We have realise many of the batches faced similar issue. We are reaching for your advise
Elsie Neoh

Seems consistent with them being stacked post silkscreen or laser marking.

This really isn't the venue for this, you should be talking with your ST sales rep/channel via your buyer.

>>.. is it acceptable

Do the parts function in the circuit? Does some cosmetic marking on the underside of the package interfere with use/operation?

Your in-bound acceptance process should be able to determine if you're willing to accept/reject these based on criterion you've set in-house.

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If bought through legitimate channels you should be able to get lot traceability via ST directly.

The mirrored markings are consistent with top-side markings for STM32F407 parts manufactured at Amkor ATP Philippines

@Heather ROBERTSON​ ​ 

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Associate II

Hi All,

We have bought the parts in factory sealed pack. At the inspection area , we found this double imaging (ghost making) seen on the back of the chip

We have realize many of the batches has faced similar issue. We are reaching for your advise.


Elsie Neoh