2016-02-25 5:43 PM
I'm using the FSMC in the STM32L4, but can't figure out how to disable ''burst'' writes.
By this, I mean that multiple writes happen within a single CS. When I do multiple writes in a row to external memory, sometimes these writes get ''grouped'' into a single chip select. If I add some __NOP()'s or enough instructions between, the writes occur correctly. Here's my configuration, which is basically taken straight from the CUBE example code:hsram.Instance = FMC_NORSRAM_DEVICE;
/* SRAM device configuration */
SRAM_Timing.AddressSetupTime = 1;
SRAM_Timing.AddressHoldTime = 1;
SRAM_Timing.DataSetupTime = 1;
SRAM_Timing.BusTurnAroundDuration = 0;
SRAM_Timing.CLKDivision = 2;
SRAM_Timing.DataLatency = 0;
SRAM_Timing.AccessMode = FMC_ACCESS_MODE_A;
hsram.Init.NSBank = FMC_NORSRAM_BANK1;
hsram.Init.DataAddressMux = FMC_DATA_ADDRESS_MUX_DISABLE;
hsram.Init.MemoryType = FMC_MEMORY_TYPE_SRAM;
hsram.Init.MemoryDataWidth = FMC_NORSRAM_MEM_BUS_WIDTH_8;
hsram.Init.BurstAccessMode = FMC_BURST_ACCESS_MODE_DISABLE;
hsram.Init.WaitSignalPolarity = FMC_WAIT_SIGNAL_POLARITY_LOW;
hsram.Init.WaitSignalActive = FMC_WAIT_TIMING_BEFORE_WS;
hsram.Init.WriteOperation = FMC_WRITE_OPERATION_ENABLE;
hsram.Init.WaitSignal = FMC_WAIT_SIGNAL_DISABLE;
hsram.Init.ExtendedMode = FMC_EXTENDED_MODE_DISABLE;
hsram.Init.AsynchronousWait = FMC_ASYNCHRONOUS_WAIT_DISABLE;
hsram.Init.WriteBurst = FMC_WRITE_BURST_DISABLE;
hsram.Init.ContinuousClock = FMC_CONTINUOUS_CLOCK_SYNC_ASYNC;
hsram.Init.WriteFifo = FMC_WRITE_FIFO_DISABLE;
hsram.Init.PageSize = FMC_PAGE_SIZE_NONE;
When I do a bunch of writes in a row, here's what I get. (I've inserted some __NOP()'s toward the beginning to show you what it should look like.)
2016-02-25 6:11 PM
Post the relevant FMC registers content.
Are you sure your LA can capture a short CS pulse? Try decreasing the system clock without changing the relative timing, just to see the result.JW
2016-02-29 9:27 AM
Hi Jan,
I slowed the clock speed down to 1MHz (it was 48MHz) and I still see the same issue: (On the right side, I'm writing out: 0, 1, 2, 3 as you can see on the D[3:0] data lines. But they all happen within a single chip select. My logic analyzer is sampling at 100MHz, so 100x oversampling for this case.)2016-02-29 11:00 AM
Edit: It seems like the above behavior is the way it is supposed to work. (It's just not how I envisioned it in my head, based on the timing diagrams presented in the datasheet/reference manual).
I think CS staying low for multiple writes should be fine for my application.2016-02-29 11:48 PM
> Edit: It seems like the above behavior is the way it is supposed to work.
It may quite well be so. Still, the UM might have be cleaner with way more details. [EDIT] I looked at the experiments I did back then, https://my.st.com/public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/cortex_mx_stm32/DispForm.aspx?ID=26018&RootFolder=https%3a%2f%2fmy.st.com%2fpublic%2fSTe2ecommunities%2fmcu%2fLists%2fcortex_mx_stm32%2fmemory%20with%20long%20write%20recovery%20time%20with%20FSMC%20of%20STM32F407IG (waveforms in pdf), and CS (NEx) is toggling even for the two consecutive 16-bit access (as memory is set to be 16-bit) for 32-bit reads/writes by the processor, which are sequenced by the FSMC itself. This might or might not be an enhancement in the FSMC/FMC. I maintain that the FSMC/FMC documentation is sloppy. JW