2014-08-28 10:13 PM
We have been looking at starting developing STM32 related products for a while now. Up till not, always concentrated on Microchip PIC. Can anyone tell me if it is possible compiling STM32Cube projects with free tools (Eclips+GCC, CoIDE,....)? Our STM32 products will be low cost, single board computers/development boards using STM32 chips. So, it is essential to provide a free(or very low cost) development environment for using these new products.
Also considering adding these new boards to mbed.org. For mbed.org for example you can compile and debug using Eclipse + GCC (as ). #eclipse-gcc-mbed-compiler-ide2014-08-30 1:34 AM
coocox is a free IDE that can be used for STM32.
There is no free eclipse IDE ,GNU c/c++ compiler, driver , middleware integrated tool from ST. Many companies like as freescale, atmel, NXP,TI ... have such tools that works in windows and Linux also. ST is a multi-billion dollar company that does not provide reliable and professional software tools for its stm32 range, I am considering switch from ST to freescale.2014-09-01 2:34 AM
I stopped searching when I found EmBlocks.
2014-09-01 6:18 AM
Compiling is the easy bit - yes, you can use GCC.
Where you pay - even for the GCC-based tools - is in the downloading & debugging.Note that the Keil & IAR tools are generally adequate for ''low-cost devkit'' projects...