2009-02-12 9:19 AM
2011-05-17 4:02 AM
please contact your web administrator!
thanks!2011-05-17 4:02 AM
It works fine! (see attached image)
Just click on the Search in the forums box then click on enter of your keyboard. You will obtain this page: http://www.st.com/mcu/modules.php?mop=modload&name=Splatt_Forums&file=searchbb2011-05-17 4:02 AM
It works fine! (see attached image)
It is not entirely obvious how to make it workQuote:
Just click on the Search in the forums box then click on enter of your keyboard.
To be precise, it goes like this: 1. Click in the 'Search' box at the bottom of the forum - this gives the 'Search' box the input ''focus''; 2. Type your search term(s) into the 'Search' box; 3. This is where it is counter-intuitive: there is no 'Go' button for the search; do not touch the 'Jump To' drop-down list, and do not click on the 'Go' button - just press your 'Enter' key while the 'Search' box still has the focus.Then you will get the results as shown! 8-) It really could be done much better.2011-05-17 4:02 AM
Thanks for your caring, detailed post - much appreciated. Pulled my hair more than once doing search - sometimes nothing is easy...