2019-03-12 12:36 AM
Hi, I have been using STM32F103C8T6 board whose B8 and B9 pin is connected as SDA and SCL pin AD5669 I2C device and has given 5v input and grounded the sensor with STM32 board
I am using Arduino IDE and after selecting the correct while flashing the code in STM32 the Arduino IDE is not able to detect board
Any suggestion to make this work will be a great help.
2019-03-12 3:26 AM
This pins (PB8, PB9) are supposedly 5V tolerant.
Have you checked the supply voltage of the MCU ?
> I am using Arduino IDE and after selecting the correct while flashing the code in STM32 the Arduino IDE is not able to detect board
Doesn't Arduino rely on a specific bootloader for flashing ?
Perhaps you have overwritten/erased it ?