2020-06-01 12:52 AM
I am using an STM32F429VGT6 with SWD debugger, and OpenOCD software 0.10.0.
I am trying to dump the contents of the flash memory at 0x08000000.
If I don't use any WFE/WFI in my code, this works fine.
If I put a WFE at the beginning of the code, before any interrupts are enabled, the device is in continuous SLEEP mode, and I also have no problems reading the flash memory.
However, when I used WFE in normal code, and the device is switching between run/sleep modes, I sometimes get the wrong output when dumping the flash. There are no errors reported, but it just shows the wrong data.
In all cases, the debugger sets DBGMCU_CR to 7. I am not using STOP/STANDBY mode, just sleep.
I have also tried this on a STM32F427VIT6, and everything works fine there.