2020-05-14 5:00 AM
Hi all,
I have the STM32F427VI connected using serial RS232 cable.
I downlaoded the latest version of the Flash Loader and the parameters are Even/115200/Disabled/8
I tried using jumper on boot 0, boot 1 and boot 0&1 but I can't connect to the MCU.
Any idea what is the problem?
I always get the same error: No response from target
2020-05-14 5:54 AM
Are you resetting the device after pulling BOOT0 high? Those pins are only checked once after reset.
2020-05-14 6:03 AM
Not much to work with here.
No idea about anything else on the board, or connectivity.
The system should not see signals/noise on other loader related pins described in AN2606.
So no GPS sending data at startup, for instance.
The connection is a one-shot deal, reset try immediately, reset to try again.
2020-06-01 1:56 AM
I solved this by putting the pins as you suggested. Thanks