2010-04-20 12:58 AM
Flash Loader Demonstrator Crash / AN3155
2011-05-17 4:47 AM
After compiling the FlashLoaderDemonstrator myself and debugging it, I found the cause of the crash. The parameter -i seems to be required but it is not checked in the app.
Nevertheless, I am still unable to upload images from my device or download them:>STMFlashLoader.exe -p --pn 2 -i STM32_High-density_512K -u --fn tmp.hex UPLOADING ... Uploading page 0 @0x 8000000 size 2.00(KB) [KO] Press any key to continue ...2011-05-17 4:47 AM
This syntax (ie -c not -p) worked with V2.0.0
STMFlashLoader -c --pn 2 -i STM32_High-density_512K -d --fn DOWNLOAD.HEX You are correct about -i, if you don't specify it the app faults on a NULL vector. -Clive2011-05-17 4:47 AM
After some further investigation I canceled the FlashLoaderDemonstrator project and started to implement my own bootloader based on AN3155 because there are more cons than pros with the ST FlashLoaderDemonstrator sample app.
2011-05-17 4:48 AM
After some further investigation I canceled the FlashLoaderDemonstrator project and started to implement my own bootloader based on AN3155 because there are more cons than pros with the ST FlashLoaderDemonstrator sample app.
Came to the same conclusion, the protocol is pretty simple. If you only have to support one device and need a custom user interface for factory test/program starting from scratch would be easier than modifying the example code. -Clive
2011-05-17 4:48 AM
Actually I am struggling with the checksum. AN3155 mentions a XOR checksum, but it seems like a NXOR checksum to me (i.e. command and complement). For some cases, the checksum is correct, but the download of data to the device fails with a NACK after sending the datalength+data+checksum.
Do you know how the ''checksum'' is exactly calculated and if the datalength (when downloading) is involved in the checksum? Carsten2011-05-17 4:48 AM
The internal bootloader does it like this:
data size=1 byte => checksum = data[0] ^ 0xFF; data size>1 byte => checksum = data[0] ^ data[1]^...^data[size-1] I suppose, that the other bootloader does it the same way.2011-05-17 4:48 AM
Thanks, damh,
this solution works for me for all but the WRITE_MEMORY commad. There I get a NACK after sending the data. After some sniffing on the serial port I can confirm that the computed checksum is correct (the same checksum is sent by the FlashLoaderDemonstratorGUI). When the c# library is finished, I will publish it on my Homepage. Carsten2011-05-17 4:48 AM
At which address do you try to write?
First 2 or 4 pages can be written only after mass erase until first reset. After that they are writeprotected.2011-05-17 4:48 AM
For the read
Send 0000 : 11 Send 0000 : EE Receive (ACK) 0000 : 79 ------------------------- Send 0000 : 1F Send 0000 : FF Send 0000 : F0 Send 0000 : 00 Send 0000 : 10 Receive (ACK) 0000 : 79 ------------------------- Send (N) 0000 : 0F Send (N ^ 0xFF) 0000 : F0 Receive (ACK) 0000 : 79 Receive (N + 1) 0000 : 00 02 00 20 21 F0 FF 1F 45 F7 FF 1F 47 F7 FF 1F ------------------------- The address is self contained with it's own XOR sum For Address 0x20000000 the 5 bytes are 20 00 00 00 20 For Address 0x1FFFF000 the 5 bytes are 1F FF F0 00 10 ie 0x1F ^ 0xFF ^ 0xF0 ^ 0x00 = 0x10 This is used for all DWORD parameters The length is sent as N, N ^ 0xFF And it returns 0x79, then N+1 bytes from memory