2016-05-04 7:51 AM
I am using the Cube to generate some code which will use HAL and access the flash memory for an STM32F446ZET6. I do not see any selections regarding flash in the Cube interface.
After I generate the code a lot of key libraries are missing such as stm32f4xx_hal_flash.h, stm32f4xx_hal_flash_ex.h. Of course I can start patching something together but I would expect the Cube does this and I have some parameter turned off etc. Any advice?ThanksFritz2016-05-04 8:53 AM
Hi Fritz,
•Which CubeMX version are you using?•All system files are automatically included in the generated project •I generate a project with MX 4.14 and STM32F446ZET6 and all necessary Hal drivers are presented (stm32f4xx_hal_flash.c …)-Syrine-2016-05-04 10:39 AM
I am on 4.13.1. Based upon your input I did a little more checking--what is happening is when in include file associated with main.c invokes a definition in another include file, it cannot find it. For example:HAL_StatusTypeDef in stm32f4xx_hal_rcc_ex.h cannot be found even thought the latter has the statement: #include ''stm32f4xx_hal_def.h''Thanks for your responseFritz2016-05-09 5:51 AM
Hi Fritz,
Try to use the last version of MX (4.14), if the issue persist please share your .ioc file for check.Syrine-