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Flash ERASE/Program does not work if i call HAL_SDRAM_Init(); function

Associate II

I have trying to implement the in application programming where as to hold the large binary of the application which i need to program into internal flash i use Rx_Buffer mapped in external SDRAM,so when i call HAL_SDRAM_Init() function the flash erase/program does not work other wise when i use buffer pointing in internal RAM works fine(for small application bin)

only the function HAL_SDRAM_Init() causes this problem , if i comment it out everything is fine, please if any one can help me out on this.

Thanks in advance...


Which STM32 specifically are we talking about? A custom board?

Not sure I'm aware of any specific issues related to internal FLASH vis external SDRAM. What is the exact nature of the failure? Do you get a hard fault, does the wrong data get written? ​

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Associate II

I am using STM32F429IG MCU in my custom board, the problem is the that HAL_FLASHEx_Erase() does not erase the flash and HAL_FLASH_Program () does not program the flash.

Associate II

Any answer please