2018-10-08 07:07 PM
The JPEG decoder output DMA aborts after a few iterations. In the function HAL_DMA_IRQHandler, the hdma->state shows that it is in abort state. What can cause the JPEG output DMA to abort?
I am using the HAL JPEG decoder on a stm32F779, the JPEG decoder output DMA aborts after a few iterations. The input DMA works fine it consume the whole input array in chunk sizes of 4096 bytes. But the output DMA stops after a few iterations. In the function HAL_DMA_IRQHandler, the hdma->state shows that it is in abort state. I followed the same steps that are shown in the JPEG DMA example program for the stm32f769i_eval board. The JPEG output DMA is supposed to output data in chunks of 768 bytes but in the few runs before it stops it is outputting much less than that size. I checked the rest of the software to make sure that no other DMA entity does not interfere with the DMA stream that JPEG is using. The JPEG output is using DMA2_Stream1. What can cause the JPEG output DMA to abort? Anyone using the JPEG accelerator on stm32f7xx experienced any problem similar to what I am experiencing? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.