2016-10-28 2:37 PM
I use latest CubeMX, STM32F1 and gcc-arm-embedded from https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded When I create a project using the TrueStudio codegenerator the CubeMX creates linker file in the project directory but links to a startup file located in the CMSIS device template directory. In my opinion it should create a copy of that startup template and put it to the document souce. Regards, Adib. #!stm32-!cubemx-!featurerequest2016-10-31 3:31 AM
Dear User,
Your request is reported internally for review and feasibility analysis. Thank you in advance for your feedback. Best Regards STM32.forum2017-05-05 12:37 AM
,Sorry for the late answer.
Thanks for highlighting this issue. For your information, it was delivered in CubeMX4.
BR. Eric