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Fdts in RM0090 Reference manual

Posted on March 30, 2016 at 09:03

I'm working with timer1 in PWM input mode and trying to add a filter to remove input spikes. The document refers to a signal called Fdts when configuring the capture filter. I can't find the source / frequency of the Fdts signal. Does anyone know where it is described?

Best regards

Posted on March 30, 2016 at 09:24

I would look at the timebase of the timer and the clock division parameter that controls the clock into the filter.

The input capture prescaler controls how many events it responds to.

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Posted on March 30, 2016 at 11:36

fDTS is the common clock for all digital filters in the timer (all TI signals and ETR) and the dead-time generators in the advanced timers' output section. It is generated by a divider from the timer's internal clock CK_INT, i.e. the clock coming from RCC. See CKD field in TIMx_CR1 (fDTS is of course inverse of tDTS). Search for ''DTS'' in the RM.