2024-04-04 04:08 AM
Hey, I am trying to send 20 messages over FDCAN using the G0B1RE Nucleo board. The problem is that only a few messages arrive (~12 most of the time), the messages have wrong data and sometimes it crashes the FDCAN-Module. When it crashes the HAL_FDCAN_RxFifo0Callback is not being called anymore, no more messages are being sent and no error code is generated yet all HAL FDCAN functions return HAL_OK.
I am sending the first message via HAL_FDCAN_AddMessageToTxFifoQ in my main loop and every following message in the HAL_FDCAN_TxBufferCompleteCallback
FDCAN_TxHeaderTypeDef header;
header.Identifier = 0;
header.IdType = FDCAN_STANDARD_ID;
header.TxFrameType = FDCAN_DATA_FRAME;
header.ErrorStateIndicator = FDCAN_ESI_PASSIVE;
header.BitRateSwitch = FDCAN_BRS_OFF;
header.FDFormat = FDCAN_CLASSIC_CAN;
header.TxEventFifoControl = FDCAN_NO_TX_EVENTS;
header.MessageMarker = 0;
header.DataLength = FDCAN_DLC_BYTES_8;
uint8_t buf[32] = {0};
memset(buf, 0x31, sizeof(buf));
memset(buf + 16, 0x55, 8);
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 20; i++)
header.Identifier = i;
send_msg(phfdcan, header, buf + 16);
/* INIT */
hfdcan1.Instance = FDCAN1;
hfdcan1.Init.ClockDivider = FDCAN_CLOCK_DIV6;
hfdcan1.Init.FrameFormat = FDCAN_FRAME_CLASSIC;
hfdcan1.Init.Mode = FDCAN_MODE_NORMAL;
hfdcan1.Init.AutoRetransmission = DISABLE;
hfdcan1.Init.TransmitPause = DISABLE;
hfdcan1.Init.ProtocolException = DISABLE;
hfdcan1.Init.NominalPrescaler = 1;
hfdcan1.Init.NominalSyncJumpWidth = 16;
hfdcan1.Init.NominalTimeSeg1 = 5;
hfdcan1.Init.NominalTimeSeg2 = 2;
hfdcan1.Init.DataPrescaler = 1;
hfdcan1.Init.DataSyncJumpWidth = 16;
hfdcan1.Init.DataTimeSeg1 = 1;
hfdcan1.Init.DataTimeSeg2 = 1;
hfdcan1.Init.StdFiltersNbr = 1;
hfdcan1.Init.ExtFiltersNbr = 0;
hfdcan1.Init.TxFifoQueueMode = FDCAN_TX_FIFO_OPERATION;
Solved! Go to Solution.
2024-04-04 11:23 PM
I didnt want to include the whole send_msg implementation because it boils down to taking a message out of a buffer, checking HAL_FDCAN_GetTxFifoFreeLevel and transmitting it with HAL_FDCAN_AddMessageToTxFifoQ.
The problem was caused by the cheap USB-CAN Analyzer and not the st board. I verified this by using an Oscilloscope with a CAN decode feature
2024-04-04 08:30 AM
You need to debug the issue. Do you face Hardfaut exception?
what about send_msg() implementation?
send_msg(phfdcan, header, buf + 16);
Since you're using G0B1RE Nucleo board, are you using a CAN transceiver + another node connected to the bus? If not this is not a normal operation of CAN in Normal mode. Use Loopback mode instead.
2024-04-04 11:23 PM
I didnt want to include the whole send_msg implementation because it boils down to taking a message out of a buffer, checking HAL_FDCAN_GetTxFifoFreeLevel and transmitting it with HAL_FDCAN_AddMessageToTxFifoQ.
The problem was caused by the cheap USB-CAN Analyzer and not the st board. I verified this by using an Oscilloscope with a CAN decode feature