2022-12-05 11:49 PM
I am using the I2C code in STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.26.0\Projects\STM32F411E-Discovery\Examples\I2C\I2C_TwoBoards_ComPolling as base to write my own I2C firmware.
I would say the HAL library in stm32f4xx_hal_i2c.c is quite useful and covers all I2C communication cases. However, there is not much about how to recover from an I2C error.
In the I2C_TwoBoards_ComPolling sample, if there is I2C error, error handler does nothing and MCU just hangs.
So far in my application, I run into two I2C errors: AF and TIMEOUT.
BTW, I am using F411.
2024-01-26 6:35 AM
This solved an intermittent problem I have struggled with for quite some time. It turns out the IC I'm communicating with would sometimes hold the SDA line low, toggling the clock shows it had a byte left to transmit. This solution is perfect for recovering in software, before I had to power on and off the whole system. Thank you for sharing it!
2024-08-28 9:33 PM
Hi @TDK ,
I am working with stm32g491re.I am communicating with TCA9537(Ioexpander) from stm32 through I2C. It will control a realy. For my product EFT(Electrical Fast Transient) testing, After starting EFT teat relay getting turned off and not recovering.
So i modified the code.
void ioexpandercheck(){
uint8_t check[1];
HAL_StatusTypeDef status=tca9537_read(&hmcp, TCA9537_REGISTER_INPUT,check);
tca9537_init(&hmcp, &hi2c3, TCA9537_I2C_ADDR);
tca9537_iodir(&hmcp, TCA9537_CONFIG_IO12_OUTPUT);
Here continuously I am reading the expander pin if read is not ok I am resetting both I2C and ioexpander and reinitializing the ioexpander. With this i can able to recover the relay operation in EFT but its not stable.
In above ioexpander reset i done using reset pin of ioexpander.
Instead of doing through reset pin, in datasheet also they mentioned how to do with software.but i am conused about implementation.
Can anyone suggest.
2024-08-29 6:13 AM
Please make a new thread with this question. You cannot issue a software reset if the bus lines are being held, which is what we are discussing in this thread.