2021-01-09 7:36 AM
In my project, I need to use an SD card and also GUI taht requires dcache.
I noticed that when SCB_EnableDCache() is called in main(), f_open(..) returns FR_NO_FILESYSTEM.
it works normally when it is SCB_EnableDCache() is not called.
I suppose I need to invalidate the DCache somehow, but how?
I tried calling SCB_InvalidateDCache() and SCB_CleanDCache() in SDMMC1_IRQHandler, but it didn't help.
I didn't use SCB_CleanInvalidateDCache_by_Addr because I don't know which (if any) address is relevant.
How can I fix this? thanks!
2021-06-14 2:52 AM
i solved your problem with this configuration MPU: