HI Community,
I am working on low power modes on STM32L4 IoT node. The stop 2 mode works fine, it wake up after the wake up interruot is triggered. I have issues after the device has woke up
- After waking up i.e extiting from stop 2 mode i dont see any USART messages on the console, i can only see after i do UART_init() again. Do we need to reinit the uart after exiting stop 2 mode ?
- After exiting the stop 2 mode i can the LED glowing and the current consumption is also back to normal. But if when i try to run the code again via STM32CubeIDE it says no ST-LINK device found. If the device has woken up doesn't it mean ST-Link debugger should also work normally or do we need to enable debugging again after exit from stop 2 mode ? For now when i am about run the code i press the reset button to get the controll back on the board.
- After exit from stop 2 mode i get the other external interrupts (for e.g. user button)
Do we need to enable the external interrupts again ?.