2013-02-25 8:46 AM
Is it possible to connect an external I2S microphone to the stm32f4discovery? I know that the board already has a MEMS mic but I need to use my own microphone. Can I route the signals (MCLK, SD, WS, SCLK) to the GPIO pins by software or are the I2S module and the on-board MEMS mic hard wired? #i2s2013-02-25 9:33 AM
According to the manual/schematic for the STM32F4-Discovery I2S2 looks to be escapable. Would suggest you review.
2013-02-26 6:57 AM
Hi and thanks for your reply.
I have a Stellaris M3 board from TI and want to migrate my desgin to the STM32F4 Discovery board. The Stellaris board has a dedicated I2S peripheral. Now I know, that the ST device hase a SPI peripheral that is capable to be configured as I2S. I think this should be possible for the I2S_2 and _3 respectively the SPI_2 and _3.