2015-09-28 7:37 PM
Is the STM32 series capable of handling low speed USB without external crystal?
Best regards.2015-09-28 8:41 PM
Which STM32 specifically? Most of them need a crystal to get remotely close to the required accuracy/stability needed for USB.
Some of the newer offerings have a trimmed HSI/MSI capable of generating a suitable 48 MHz reference, you should review the check-box items in the assorted press-releases and product pages.2015-09-28 10:53 PM
Thank you for quick reply. Yes, now I see that ST does indeed explicitely feature some of the MCUs as working ''crystalless''. Good. Best regards
2015-09-28 11:07 PM
One additional question. I'm planning to use it for a keyboard controller. Since STM32 MCUs come with bootloader, I don't really need a programmer, to get my firmware on it, right?
2015-09-28 11:11 PM
Most have a USB DFU programming scheme, though if you want any chance of developing and debugging on the platform you really need some form of SWD/JTAG pod.
2015-09-28 11:26 PM
I see. So it's better to include a SWD socket into the design, for whatnot may happen. Good. Thanks you, clive1
2015-09-28 11:40 PM
You can do it as test points, edge castellations, or whatever floats your boat. Systems without this connectivity in some form are real hard to trouble-shoot. I'd recommend SWDIO, SWCLK, SWO, NRST, GND as a minimum, and ideally also USART1_TX and USART1_RX (or equivalent as called out in the System Loader (ROM) specs)
If you have space, using standardized connections will also save to lot of time and messing around.