2020-04-23 2:29 AM
From this link, I am working for the PROFINET protocol using STM32F7 host and as given example it has worked for SPI interface.
However, my requirement is to use FMC interface and access netX controller DPM. So, anyone have idea to do it?.
2020-04-23 4:43 AM
That page says, "Can be adapted to parallel interface". Have you tried to contact hilscher.com for details?
We have recently done a similar interface on 'H753, with several FMC windows. It was not hard.
Choose the number of address and data lines in CubeMX, and mode (likely, SRAM).
For details on FMC read the reference manual.
-- pa
2020-04-23 4:57 AM
Thanks for your response..!!
H753 is STM32H7 series?. Can you provide some reference to use FMC with DPM?.
How I read/write DPM data for netX controller?.
Also, from cubeMX the initial code is generated now, how it use to interface with the DPM as did in given SPI example?.
I already contact to Hilscher but no response from them.
2020-04-23 7:36 PM
@Pavel A. Would you please provide some hint to me so I can go forward and it will help me to do some test?.
For connection point of view, I have clear idea but how I access DPM area of netX that is the big deal for me?.
2020-04-24 2:18 AM
@Community member Try to reach them by phone, maybe they work remotely these days.
They are interested to sell their product so should have examples.
Sorry, I am not familiar with netX. All I can say, after the window parameters are known, configuration of FMC in Cube should be easy.
Of course, the init code for SPI and FMS will be very different. A lot of pins need to be assigned to the external memory bus.
> how I access DPM area of netX that is the big deal for me?.
The DPM will be memory-mapped thru one of four SRAM/NOR windows of the FMC, which have fixed addresses, for example 0x60000000.
You access it by reading and writing that memory window.
-- pa