2020-04-15 2:41 AM
this is my first project with stm mcu and my development board is on the way. I would like to make a hobby wav player and I have found a rather good recipe to start with - AN3126 Application note "Audio and waveform generation using the DAC in STM32 microcontrollers"
But I wonder where can I find the example code? I'll appreciate any hint about it.
Best Regards,
2020-04-15 8:05 AM
You can use the STM32CubeMX's sample examples, which are in the bellow directiory:
C:\Users\(Windows User Name)\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.16.0\Projects\STM32746G-Discovery\Examples
2020-04-15 8:24 AM
Or the H7, board specific ones
You'd nee to port over a DAC example
2020-04-15 8:31 AM
2020-04-16 1:12 AM
Thank you @A_R amd @Community member. I guess this means I should install STM32CubeMX but it shouldn't be a big problem to find it on the web site.