2017-11-06 5:46 AM
Is there an evaluation module for the above said MCU- to test its capabilities or to add other control modules?
What kind of software support will be provided if in case we choose this MCU for our product?
#stm32f103rct6 #evm #software-support #evaluation-boards2017-11-06 6:47 AM
,As you are interested on the
, you can start to evaluate it easily with the .Some ready to use examples for this particular board or other boards affered by ST for the STM32F1 are available underSTM32Cube_FW_F1_V1.6.0\Projects.
The package STM32CubeF1 can be downloaded from
. This package contains the drivers off all peripherals besides to the examples.To know more about the examples, have a look to
.Hope you can start easily giving all these inputs.
If you need a dedicated support, you have to contact an FAE.
Otherwise, all your STM32 related questions are welcome here in the
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2017-11-06 9:56 AM
You might want to consider some of the newer part families that provide better features and lower power.
What kind of software support will be provided if in case we choose this MCU for our product?
Libraries are available, but you are ultimately responsible for your own development and support costs. ST maintains a list of contractors and consultants if you need to staff your project/team.
2017-11-07 9:56 AM
Thanks for your reply.
Our project involves the following,
A MCU for Metering application for EVSE, an RFID module for authentication, 7' TFT LCD Display, a WiFi Module for communication.
Will the STM32F1 series of Microcontrollers support this
Are there software libraries readily available to support a 7'LCD in the STM32F1 series?
2017-11-07 11:14 AM
The F1 will not drive a TFT display directly, you would need it to have a controller, and talk to the controller over the external bus (FSMC). The physically size is less important than the pixel resolution in horizontal and vertical axis. The F1 has limited internal RAM resources, and this may make it difficult to manage high-resolution displays. ST has some graphic libraries, and Segger also has some full commercial offerings.