2007-07-15 10:42 AM
Ethernet STM32 devices planned ?
2011-05-17 3:15 AM
We have to designe our new platform for road traffic statistics. At this time we plan to use the NXP LPC23xx family (with ethernet controller).
The stm32 family seems extremly interesting for us (12bits ADC, fast interrupts) but I cannot find anywhere if a ethernet version , possibly with 64KB of RAM is planned by st ? An if it's the case in how many months approximativly ? kind regards. Yann Suisini ECM France [ This message was edited by: SadE on 29-06-2007 17:58 ]2011-05-17 3:15 AM
I suggest you look at the 96MIPs STR912FA, which does have ethernet. If you use the ST firmware libraries for your peripheral drivers, you can freely migrate between STR7, STR9 and STM32-series devices.
2011-05-17 3:15 AM
there are Cortex-M3 based MCUs with Ethernet and 64K of SRAM on the market today. Just not from ST.
2011-05-17 3:15 AM
Due to the lack of reaction of the ST team , I guess there's no ethernet devices planned soon . Snif, no way for me to work with the new cortex m3 core :(
2011-05-17 3:15 AM
But I just don't trust Luminary to be alive in 10 years
What model of crystal ball are you using? Perhaps you could download a new firmware for it? :) I have datasheet for STR720RBQ6, but it is not in ST portfolio. Anymore...if ever was. ARM720Tâ„¢ 16/32-BIT MCU WITH 16K RAM, USB, CAN,3 TIMERS, ADC, 6 COMMUNICATIONS INTERFACES....etc..... C'est la vie. Customer/FAE support from Luminary and ST is as different as night and day. Not to mention the STR9's rather shaky start...2011-05-17 3:15 AM
Dear All,
The reasons today to not having Ethernet on STM32 series are very simple because ST does not want to have an overlap between the STR91x and the STM32 as STR91x remains the only solution with Ethernet and up to 512+32KB flash & 96K of RAM. For STR720, This is quite different since it was a Rom-less device ( without flash) not dedicated for standard microcontrollers applications in addition to its big package of 208 pins not suitable for the apps described above. That is why it is no more available in ST Portfolio. But... Other New devices are coming in future from ST to have and maintain a strong Portfolio ... :D With best regards, STOne-322011-05-17 3:15 AM
Yes you're right.
But I just don't trust Luminary to be alive in 10 years and be able to provide us the same parts ;)