2012-07-24 11:15 AM
I am building my own stm32f4 boards. The code runs, but I cant get the USB to be recognized by windows - just Device-Not-Recognized. But the same code works on my DemoBoard.
I followed the DemoBoard Schem except for the EMID02USB03F2 chip. USB connected as : PA9 - UsbVbusP1 PA11 - /\/\ - UsbDmP2 (res=20R) PA12 - /\/\ -UsbDpP3 (res=20R) PA10 - UsbIdP4 GND - UsbGndP5 I still do not have the USB working on my own Boards (while it does work on the Demo Board). And, I followed the Demo Brd Schem explicitly. Except that I did not add the EMID02USB03F2 chip. Is this neccessary ? - It was not suggested in the Specs. Anybody have any useful ideas ?2012-07-25 12:29 PM
Swqpped D+/D- connection
Connection from the D+/D- pins of the USB receptacle to the MCU USB DP/DM pins may be swapped. This trouble is often seen on custom boards. In this trouble, PC detects device plug-in, but it fails enumeration (unknown device). To confirm this troulbe, run USBView on your PC, and click ''Unknown device'' on the connection tree.USBView output when D+/D- connections are swapped
- Unknown device Device Descriptor: bcdUSB: 0x0000 bDeviceClass: 0x00 bDeviceSubClass: 0x00 bDeviceProtocol: 0x00 bMaxPacketSize0: 0x00 (0) idVendor: 0x0000 idProduct: 0x0000 bcdDevice: 0x0000 iManufacturer: 0x00 iProduct: 0x00 iSerialNumber: 0x00 bNumConfigurations: 0x00 ConnectionStatus: DeviceFailedEnumeration Current Config Value: 0x00 Device Bus Speed: Low <---------- Device Address: 0x00 Open Pipes: 0 If the stm32f4 (Unknown device) is detected as low-speed, the D+/D- connections are swapped. MS USBView, distributed on FTDI site Tsuneo2012-07-25 10:15 PM
STM32 Manuals and Schematics CORRECTION - USB Pinout Backwards
In Manufacturing my own Boards, and with the assistance of Tsuneo, I have found that the SPECS specify the USB PINOUT Backwards. This is afterI analyzed the Specs and Schems - which match my Eagle Pcb Files and my Boards. And, I tested this from Cable-end to Micro-Pins with a MultiMeter.The UsbVBus+ and UsbGND are Correct,
but the UsbDm and UsbDp are specified BACKWARDS in both Stm32F4_Ref Manual and the Discovery Board Schems. No, you can not just flip the cable - Only TWO of the PINS are Backwards.PINOUT CORRECTION below :
p1=UsbVBUS -> PA9 p2=UsbDM -> res=20R -> PA12 (not PA11) p3=UsbDP -> res=20R -> PA11 (not PA12) p4=UsbID -> PA10 p5=UsbGND -> GND-> Take HEED of this NOTE CORRECTION before making Boards !
You are kidding me. I see the results as you say. So the schematics are backwards ? Yes, I use USB-View, besides a Usb packet logger analyzer. Let me check the Usb connections.I forgot about this simple issue. For example, just Google for USB PLUG PINOUT IMAGE , then click the images page. Notice that the Plug on the Right is labeled Gnd D- D+ V+ , which should be Gnd D+ D- V+. This error has been on there for years like this - and is still there.
Bingo ! - That fixes it.
So, looking at the Stm32f4Discovery and Stm3240g and Stm32405_RefMan. And scanned over my Eagle Pcb Files which match the Schems and Spec. -- It seems that they have the Pinouts backwards ! I followed these Pinouts - but they are backwards - CORRECTION below : p1=UsbVBUS -> PA9 p2=UsbDM -> res=20R -> PA12 (not PA11) p3=UsbDP -> res=20R -> PA11 (not PA12) p4=UsbID -> PA10 p5=UsbGND -> GNDSounds ridiculous that this Error went through the Manuals and specs,
- but I have seen it before. Explains why I have not seen and I can not find Schems and DIY Projects for the STM32 with USB.Tsuneo, thanks - for the unique and constructive idea and solution.
From: chinzei.tsuneoConnection from the D+/D- pins of the USB receptacle to the MCU USB DP/DM pins may be swapped.
ConnectionStatus: DeviceFailedEnumeration Device Bus Speed: Low <---------- If the stm32f4 (Unknown device) is detected as low-speed, the D+/D- connections are swapped.2012-07-26 2:25 AM
Would you mind to post a screenshot of your original schematic? Maybe it would help to clarify the problem.
2012-07-26 2:53 AM
So for the Nonsense Posting members - seems that following To-The-Spec is Wrong.
Post your Nonsense somewhere else ...
Just stop asking nonsense questions.
2012-07-26 4:44 AM
Whats left for me to list ?
Just look in the Manuals yourself that I listed: Stm32f4Discovery_Board_Manual Schem at end, and Stm32f405_Ref_Man fig 343 on page 934. The Pinouts do not function hooked up this way - DM and DP need be reversed PA12 and PA11. I tested this from cable end to Micro Pins to UsbDM and UsbDP pins are specified backwards.2012-07-26 6:22 AM
It is working for me :) PA.11 D- PA.12 D+
See attachment for SCH. ________________ Attachments : BB.png : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HtUM&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000aQj%2FuNfQQfpm6rl6vsIs0CCsZf.vm2Ov4_lF4ua3LB3WsL0&asPdf=false2012-07-26 7:44 AM
It is working for me :) PA.11 D- PA.12 D+
Here too, and the ST-LINK USB connector is demonstrably connected PA11 DM, PA12 DP of the STM32F103's on several different discovery designs and matches the schematic. I haven't drunk enough Kool-Aid this morning to go pull uDFN packages off the board. Everyone needs to do their own due diligence, but I'm not buying into this conspiracy nonsense.2012-07-26 11:19 AM
I did exactly what you supposed me to do and looked into the manuals (DM00039084 & DM00031020 and the datasheet DM00037051), but I was not able to reconstruct your problem. I can't see any error there.
When I read the following sentence from [DEAD LINK /public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/cortex_mx_stm32/Flat.aspx?RootFolder=/public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/cortex_mx_stm32/STM32 Manuals and Schematics CORRECTION - USB Pinout Backwards¤tviews=49]your first post in this thread: <cite> I forgot about this simple issue. For example, just Google for USB PLUG PINOUT IMAGE , then click the images page. Notice that the Plug on the Right is labeled Gnd D- D+ V+ , which should be Gnd D+ D- V+. This error has been on there for years like this - and is still there. </cite> I guess that you switched the pinout of your connector according to one of the several wrong images like, e.g. , instead of using a more trustful source as for examplehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Serial_Bus#USB_standard_connectors
or . Because of this I asked for a screenshot of your schematic.2012-07-26 12:54 PM
What conspiracy - Bugs just happen ...
Maybe it is backwards on the Board. I was refering to a later Design File v1065 , while the Printed File is v945. I think that I had swapped the pins after they were printed in design. Usb is on the Bottom of the Board and I probably got them backwards. Thanks for the help - for the members who did the research.