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Error A1163E on Existing STM32F4 Discovery Program after re-installing UVision4

Associate II
Posted on March 21, 2014 at 12:40


I have posted this on the Keil site, just wondered if anyone on here had come across this?

I recently formatted my computer and re-installed UVision4.

I moved all my files to my Dropbox folder prior to the format.

Once setup again I dragged a program back to my hard drive that compiled fine prior to the format.

When I first went to compile the program I had errors relating to files paths, so I removed all files from the project and added them back, this resolved these initial errors.

I now get several errors, all are A1163E - 'Unknown opcode <instruction> , expecting opcode or Macro'.

The errors are related to instructions in the startup.s file (Apologies I would normally copy and paste the errors but I am currently away from home).

I can't understand why I am getting these, I replaced all files like for like so the program structure is as it was prior to the format. Looking up the error code on here explains this error is normally due to missing white spaces before the instruction, but the instructions that get the errors against them have white spaces before them?

Example programs do compile fine

Any ideas much appreciated.

Posted on March 21, 2014 at 14:57

Did you ZIP theses files, or otherwise confirm the integrity?

Is this the same version of Keil uV4? Same STM32 Libraries?

Are the files on the Desktop or under Program Files?

Do you have a ZIP'd project that demonstrates this condition?

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Associate II
Posted on March 21, 2014 at 15:18

Did you ZIP theses files, or otherwise confirm the integrity?

No I didn't zip them, I just moved the project folder to dropbox then back again to my hard drive.

Is this the same version of Keil uV4? Same STM32 Libraries?

Yes same version of Keil and same Libraries.

Are the files on the Desktop or under Program Files?

The project folder is in My Documents on the C Drive.

Do you have a ZIP'd project that demonstrates this condition?

Not too sure what you mean by this, the only zipped projects I have are the downloaded examples which compile with no errors.

Posted on March 21, 2014 at 15:48

Not too sure what you mean by this,...

Do you have a project that demonstrates this condition that you can ZIP up in an archive and supply for review?
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Associate II
Posted on March 21, 2014 at 15:54

Not on the machine I'm on at the moment but I can have later this evening.

Associate II
Posted on March 26, 2014 at 16:58

Just to update, I found a earlier version of my project which compiled fine and had all the elements in it I required, so I've continued with this, thanks for help.