2016-06-06 04:43 AM
Is it possible to interface EEPROM with stm32f411? I found one ''en.stsw-stm32066'' file for this. but i have a question that if i use ''cat24c02wi-gt3a'' EEProm then is it compatible? Need Help. Thank you...
#uphill-skiing #stm32f411 #eeprom-emulation2016-06-06 06:10 AM
Emulation doesn't interface with a physical device.
For the physical device you'd use an I2C interface, and code an appropriate driver.2016-06-06 06:26 AM
Hey, i have to use i2c sure, then i have to code my own right? I have one st file eeprom.c and eeprom.h file. I have to use this one or i have to implement own ? here mentioned EEProm can be used by this stm32f411?
2016-06-06 07:15 AM
This provides the EEPROM emulation driver in STM32F40x/STM32F41xRegards2016-06-06 07:40 AM
He's already identified the ''Emulation'' driver, but then talks about interfacing a specific device!
Can the F411 use an i2C interfaced EEPROM, Yes.Is there code supporting the specific chip, on specific pins, No, but there is likely code close enough that if you READ the documentation for the EEPROM you could use.There ARE examples in the SPL/DSP libraries, and others, review them in the context of what they use vs what you want to use. Expect you'll have to apply effort to solve your own specific use case.STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.6.1\Utilities\STM32_EVAL\STM324x7I_EVAL\stm324x7i_eval_i2c_ee.c2016-06-06 10:18 PM
Thank you clive1 and Forumstm32. It will help me.