2015-09-13 7:52 AM
Hello World!
I need an EEPROM memory on my device and there is no I2C pin free to use AT24Cxx. So, i should use EEPROM Emulation (as said in AN2594
).I tried the example (from above link), writing on FLASH is OK, but i can't read it!!!
My code:
/* Unlock the Flash Program Erase controller */
/* EEPROM Init */
(VarValue = 0; VarValue < 10; VarValue++)
EE_WriteVariable(VirtAddVarTab[0], VarValue);
(VarValue = 0; VarValue < 10; VarValue++)
jCounter = EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[0],&iCounter);
is there anyone used EEPROM Emulation via CoIDE on STM32F103?
#stm32-eeprom-emulation-flash2015-09-14 8:23 AM
Should it matter what IDE is compiling the C code?
What does 'can't read it' actually mean? Do the wrong values come back? Do they look to be 0xFFFF, what exactly. Support your questions with examples of what gets written, what gets read back, and what's in the FLASH memory of the part behind the area being used for the EEPROM emulation?