2014-07-14 5:35 AM
Hi All,
I am new to MCu development and looking for dual mode bluetooth stack options that have been successfully ported to STM32 or any other STM MCUs.I am looking for following std profile support :1) BT : HFP (HF role) , A2DP(sink), AVRCP (controller), MAP(MCE), PBAP2) BLE : HOGPThanks in advance #bluetooth #stm322014-07-14 8:31 AM
Have you tried commercial vendors of such stacks?
2014-07-14 10:15 PM
Yes I came across follwoing stack options:
1) Ethermind from Mindtree2) MiniStak from Bluecreation3) Bluetopia from Stonestreet 4) dotstack from Searanwas wondering if there are an other options and was hoping to get proper info on licencing these stacks. If anyone has prior exposure with any of these stack on STM32