2012-06-14 6:17 AM
I'm using the STM discovery board and IAR (IAR-STM32F407ZG-SK) board to write the preliminary FW routine for my project. (the IDE is IAR)
The problem start when I try to use the DSP library function in my programs.
To use the CMSIS function I include these files:
#include ''arm_math.h''
#include ''math_helper.h''
but when I start compiled a lot of error due to duplicate definition come out (e.g. Error[Pe101]: ''IRQn'' has already been declared in the current scope (at line 140 of ''C:\arm\Progetti\MecFes II (V 10.0)\..\..\Librerie\CMSIS\ST\STM32F4xx\Include\ C:\arm\Librerie\CMSIS\Device\ARM\ARMCM4\Include\ARMCM4.h 35
stm32f4xx.h'') )
I see that there is the possibility to make and use a DSP library (iar_cortexM4lf_math.a). Could you please tell me how I have to proceed to include the dsp function in my projects?
Luca Lombardini
2012-07-11 7:27 AM
The solution is simple. You have to enable USE CMSIS flag in the general option of IAR