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Doubt in Keil uVision

Associate II
Posted on December 11, 2014 at 10:18

Hello guys,

I´m developing an application in Keil uVision and I am getting this message.

What does this parameters mean?

Program Size Code = ¿Flash?

RO-Data = ¿?

RW-Data = ¿?

ZI-Data = ¿?

Posted on December 11, 2014 at 15:00

If in doubt RTFM

Code - Executable Instructions

RO-Data - Read Only, Constant data/arrays

RW-Data - Read Write, Variables in RAM with values

ZI-Data - Zero Initialize, Variables in RAM which are zero/cleared

The FLASH foot print is the combination/sum of Code+RO+RW, the RW data is there because the startup/run-time has to copy it from fixed ROM into uninitialized RAM, the zero memory is just described and cleared by the same code.

The RAM foot print is RW+ZI

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Associate II
Posted on December 15, 2014 at 09:42

What is RTFM?

Posted on December 15, 2014 at 20:40

What is RTFM?

Read The Field Manual, Read The Fine Manual, ...


Beyond its early adoption by military personnel, electronic engineers and technicians, the principle of “helping oneself to knowledge� became more commonplace in other occupation fields, most notably in programming and customer support.

I'm sure the question is covered in the documentation, and has been asked/answered multiple times on the interwebs.

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