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Does STM32F730V8 support SDRAM or not?

Associate III

It says specifically in datasheet that it does, but when I create new STM32CubeIDE project and select STM32F730V8, FMC only offers PSRAM/NOR Flash/LCD interface. I tried for testing purposes selecting some other MCU that also supposedly supports SDRAM, I did get a choice of selecting it. Am I doing something wrong?

Associate III

I found one that is similar to one that you mentioned, STM32F730Z8T6. It's in stock on What's best way to program it? I was thinking about buying a dev board, but there isn't any with that particular MCU. Could I use a similar board and then use it for debugging external MCU?

What about voltages? SDRAM uses 1.8V, but MCUs are all at 3.3V. Do I need voltage level converter, or MCU does that automatically?

How do they do it on the Disco/EVAL boards?


I have no idea. I'm planning yet to buy one.