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Discerning Rising and Falling Trigger Edges in HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback()

Associate II
Posted on May 03, 2016 at 00:19

I have a digital input GPIO line where I need an interrupt whenever its input changes. In STM32CubeMX I set this pin to an EXTI line and set the interrupt to trigger on both rising and falling edges.

When, in response to either a rising or falling edge the function HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback() is called, is there a way to know whether it was a rising or falling edge that triggered the interrupt? Or will it be necessary to call HAL_GPIO_ReadPin() to infer this?

The prototype of the callback is:

void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin);

What number is the GPIO_Pin parameter set to? Is this the same number I see in STM32CubeMX that follows ''GPIO_EXTI'' when selecting an alternative function for a pin? If so, since this number seems to be same as a pin number within a pin group, if there needs to be such an interrupt for the same pin number in two different groups, is there a way to know the pin's group's letter that triggered the interrupt?

What is the difference between and External Event and an External Interrupt?

Senior II
Posted on May 03, 2016 at 12:26

Hi Stephen,

In case of both falling and rising, to recognize the edge type I recommend that in the EXTI_IRQHandler of stm32f'xx_it.c, you create your own Hal_GPIO_EXTI_IRQHandler (uint16_t GPIO_Pin) where you check by calling the HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIO_TypeDef* GPIOx, uint16_t GPIO_Pin) which should return GPIO_PIN_SET if rising and GPIO_PIN_SET if falling. Test this and hope that the edge keep its status

enough time to be readable.

Another solution: you can root the input pin into two EXTI line , one configured as sensitive to rizing edge and the other sensitive to the falling one. If the interrupt occurs one of both IRQ_Handlers is executed and then you know the type of edge.

''What is the difference between and External Event and an External Interrupt?''

> The external event is used in case that you want to wake-up the CPU without executing and IRQ_Handler which is not the case with External Interrupt.


I have a digital input GPIO line where I need an interrupt whenever its input changes. In STM32CubeMX I set this pin to an EXTI line and set the interrupt to trigger on both rising and falling edges.

When, in response to either a rising or falling edge the function HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback() is called, is there a way to know whether it was a rising or falling edge that triggered the interrupt? Or will it be necessary to call HAL_GPIO_ReadPin() to infer this?

The prototype of the callback is:

void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin);

What number is the GPIO_Pin parameter set to? Is this the same number I see in STM32CubeMX that follows ''GPIO_EXTI'' when selecting an alternative function for a pin? If so, since this number seems to be same as a pin number within a pin group, if there needs to be such an interrupt for the same pin number in two different groups, is there a way to know the pin's group's letter that triggered the interrupt?

What is the difference between and External Event and an External Interrupt?

Avan .12
Associate III

It would be nice to overwrite the Hal_GPIO_EXTI_IRQHandler in stm32l0xx_hal_gpio.c file with a custom version