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Debugging with Codegrip ICD


I got the Mikroe Fusion for STM32 V8 per recommendation from the STM32F302x product page. I'm trying to debug using the onboard debugging unit but having trouble finding ANY documentation to do this. Since this device is linked and recommended by STM, you would think there would be some how to's setup to do simple debugging from CubeIDE. IF anyone has figure out how to do this please LMK! The STLinkV3's are out of stock many places, trying to get one as a backup. But would prefer to just use this....

Thanks in adv.


This is entirely a MikroE environment, likely designed with their own quirky and unique tools​. I wouldn't expect ST to be providing examples or documentation within their ecosystem. The extent of the relationship likely to be a promotion of boards using STM32 parts, not some expectation of heavy support or integration.

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Yeah, This is what I've gathered in my searches and playing with the software itself. Its fine, I found an STLink, but still pretty awful of Mikroe not to provide hooks into stm's tools, seems like they would sell more.. *shrug*

Although with the shortage of ICs now a days they don't have to worry about it much.