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Data Acquisition system in that i am interfacing AD7768-4FMCZ with STM32F103RCT6 . Here i am receiving data to DMA through 16bit SPI . Am Receiving Data but am not validate according to Data Sheet .

SA  V.1
Associate II

Anyone Have hands on experience .


If i were you i would describe your hardware setup (wiring, pcb....)

And your software configuration.

  • are you using CubeMx?
  • are you following any example/tutorial?
  • do you have an oscilloscope/logic analyzer?

we dont need to firmware by ourselves, lets talk

Thank you Sir for your valuable replay if you don't mind for wiring and pcb to share here little bit difficult so can you send a private message for eassy communication.

  • i am using a software Keil Microvision4 IDE(version 4.21)
  • yes i got one example in github i am referring that (by referring that i am changing according to my requirement )
  • yes i have oscilloscope .

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