2015-10-13 9:20 AM
Newbee, I'm trying to generate sinewave at 1Khz using DAC and DMA on my STM32L0R53 Nucleo Board. I'm using STM32CubeMx to initialise DAC and DMA but doesn't work. Where can I find tutorial or sample code? Sample code delivered with STM32Cube_FW_L0_V1.1.0 are not based on STM32CubeMx, ioc files aren't included. Thanks for your help #dac #dma #stm32l0532015-10-28 7:09 AM
Hi Steph,
I confirm that there is a plan to add *.ioc file for Projects under STM32Cube library but unfortunately not at the short term.Where can I find tutorial or sample code? As you said STM32Cube_FW_L0_V1.3.0 provides projects that give description of how to use the DAC peripheral to generate several signals using DMA controller, you can start from it.-Syrine-